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period hacks

Is Period Underwear Worth It?

Is Period Underwear Worth It?

Period underwear is all the rage right now. Designed to absorb menstrual blood, period underwear prevents leaks and stains without feeling wet or bulky. Sounds awesome, right? But does period underwear live up to the hype? How does period underwear even work?! 

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UTIs and Your Period

UTIs and Your Period

Let’s kick things off with a quick recap: UTI stands for urinary tract infection, an irritating  bacterial invasion that can bring on symptoms like burning during urination, frequent bathroom trips, and funky-smelling urine. Not exactly a party we’re looking to crash.
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Why Do I Feel Nauseous During My Period?

Why Do I Feel Nauseous During My Period?

POV: You wake up feeling nauseated and can’t figure out why. You think, is it something I ate? The room spins a bit and every time you turn your head the feeling gets a bit worse. You reach for the Advil and your cramp cream while you prepare for the inevitable, and then it happens - Your period.
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Painful Periods – Could It Be Endometriosis?

Painful Periods – Could It Be Endometriosis?

Who can relate? The minute your period arrives you lose all ability to properly function because your period pains are so debilitating that you simply can’t go about your routine as normal. If this sounds familiar, whilst you’re not alone you shouldn’t have to put up with this.
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A Complete Guide To Period Underwear

A Complete Guide To Period Underwear

Period underwear, period pants, period panties — or period undies as we like to call them here at Aisle - whatever you want to call them, they are having a bit of a moment right now. And, let’s be honest what’s not to like? Comfortable, eco-friendly, and easy-to-use; period underwear really does have it all!
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Alcohol and its effects on the Menstrual Cycle

Alcohol and its effects on the Menstrual Cycle

An increasing number of people are doing Dry January or other dry months during the year, as a way to check in with their relationship with alcohol and to explore how taking a pass on it for a few weeks affects their lives. What might they be able to expect when it comes to how alcohol affects their menstrual cycles and periods?
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How to Safely Machine Wash & Dry Cloth Period Pads & Underwear

How to Safely Machine Wash & Dry Cloth Period Pads & Underwear

If figuring out how to wash period underwear or cloth pads seems daunting - good news! Aisle undies and pads are intentionally designed to fit easily into your regular laundry routine.

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    Embracing the Flow 🩸 A glimpse into the free bleeding movement

    Embracing the Flow 🩸 A glimpse into the free bleeding movement

    What Is Free Bleeding?

    The menstrual freedom and liberation movement, and free bleeding challenges these harmful perceptions and advocates for more open conversation about menstruation.

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    From Lowering Prostaglandins to PMS Remedies - 5 Tips To Heal Your Cycle Naturally

    From Lowering Prostaglandins to PMS Remedies - 5 Tips To Heal Your Cycle Naturally

    One of my favourite things to tell anyone who is just beginning their menstrual cycle healing journey is that your period doesn’t have to be the worst time of the month. I know that sounds wild. You might be saying to yourself, “My period sucks! It’s soooo painful!
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    I started cycle syncing after years of struggling with endometriosis and PMDD. Week after week, month and after month I found myself struggling with severe symptoms such as pain, anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, brain fog and more. All while constantly feeling frustrated and angry at my body. I felt like I was at war with my own vessel and spent a lot of time hating and resenting my body for not functioning better. 
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    Learning to live with PMDD has been one of the most difficult but also one of the most empowering experiences of my life. I have found by taking a multi-pronged approach to manage my symptoms I have been able to live a happier, healthier life. Here are three changes I made.
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    Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and When to Talk to Your Doctor about It

    Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and When to Talk to Your Doctor about It

    PMDD is a worse version of PMS, and having it doesn’t make you any less of the kind of person that you are.
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